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Instalar VPN. Paso 4. DD-WRT. OpenVPN. Estados Unidos.

Instrucciones para configurar la conexión VPN

Guía de conexión

Paso 1

Open admin area of your modem and click Administration tab

Paso 2

Go to Commands subtab

Paso 3

Startup script file: OCULTO. Entre o Regístrese para ver.
Firewall rules file: OCULTO. Entre o Regístrese para ver.

Paso 4

Open downloaded startup script file Trust.Zone-United-States-Netflix.sh in your favourite text editor and copy/paste its contents to Commands text field and click Save Startup button.

Paso 5

Open downloaded firewall rules file Trust.Zone_dd_wrt_iptables_rules.txt in your favourite text editor and copy/paste its contents to Commands text field.

Scroll down to the bottom of page and click Save Firewall button.

Paso 6 - Reboot router.

Click Management submenu.

Scroll down to bottom of Management page and click Reboot Router button.

Connection check

Open Trust.Zone Main page or reload it if it is already open in order to check if your connection with Trust.Zone VPN is established correctly.
You can also visit our Connection Check Page.

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